ChatGPT for Hospitality
Transform the Guest experience and improve staff productivity with a personalised ChatGPT-powered multi-lingual Virtual Assistant trained from your own own property information and datasets

elevate the Guest experience while improving Staff efficiency
Increase Guest engagement with instant access to information and services at anytime, 24 hours per day.
Boost staff productivity by automating processes and eliminating repetitive tasks, thereby freeing up their time for the personal touch by connecting with your Guests
turbocharge roll-out, with ChatGPT
Unleash the power of ChatGPT into the workflow!
Automate conversations over the entire Guest journey from the world’s most powerful AI Language Model that automatically generates its own training phrases from your FAQs and responds in the preferred way based on your Brand standards!
FAQ Knowledge Base Upload
Auto-Generate Chatbot from just your FAQ Answers in a Day
No need for you to manually create multiple Training data per Skill
Do note ChatGPT behind GuestBot is confined to your property info only and will not respond with generic data or hallucinations!

add rich media to visualise the Guest experience
GuestBot supports a whole host of rich media types to guide reduce the learning curve and provide something more visually appealing than simple text-on-text formats:
Gallery Cards
Carousels & Images
Suggestion Chips
Quick Reply Drawers
In-Bubble URL links
speak your Guests' language, at any time
Guests don’t speak the same language, and neither does GuestBot.
GuestBot speaks in about 200 languages, automatically with no settings or configurations required on your part

human handover, for the personal touch
Say no more to long queues at your Breakfast Outlet! Our Outlet table reservation system offers Guests the opportunity to select a time slot and will automatically
Offered stand-alone or bundled with our various other platforms including Mobile Digital Concierge, Smart TV and even Chatbot!
extend the reach to your Guests' favourite social media channels
Reach out to your Guests Pre and Post stay as well as on their favourite channels!
Standalone Webchat
Native Apps
Website Widget
Social Media channels such as Facebook Messenger, Wechat, Line, Skype, Telegram etc